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  • Writer's pictureMaria Mander

How to create a well and thriving workforce

A healthy workforce will result in increased productivity and performance achieving financial success.

A company’s greatest asset is its people. A healthy workforce with resilient high performing teams will drive business success and increase bottom line profit. Investing in the wellbeing of employees will result in a healthy, happy, engaged workforce who will thrive at work and ultimately be more productive.

Workplace wellbeing will eliminate issues that have a negative impact on your business such as workplace stress, burnout, sickness absence, mental health issues, presenteeism and employees leaving the organisation. It is also vital for brand image and attracting new talent, as potential employees want to feel valued and know that you are going to invest in their wellbeing.

Creating a culture of wellness

Having a wellbeing strategy and annual health awareness programme in place to educate and encourage employees to invest in their physical and mental wellbeing, is vital in creating a culture of wellness. A successful wellbeing strategy requires a whole organisation approach and ensuring it covers mental, emotional & physical health (including nutrition and sleep), financial wellbeing, as well as designing a working environment where employees can thrive at work.

To establish a culture of wellbeing, a company will need to demonstrate its commitment to wellbeing and ensure their strategy is driven from the top downwards with support from Managers. To increase employee engagement, ask staff how they would like to be supported and what activities they would participate in to benefit their health. There isn’t a one size fits all and this will vary in each organisation.

Having an annual health awareness programme in place will support and educate employees in how to manage their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Prevention is always better than cure, so educating employees on having a good daily self-care routine and developing good health habits, will eliminate issues that could impact on your business.

Companies that have invested in a wellbeing programme have reported a 27% reduction in workplace stress, 49% increase in employee morale and engagement, 35% decrease in sickness absence and a 43% increase in a healthier culture according to CIPD Health & Wellbeing at Work Report in partnership with Simplyhealth 2019.

Attracting new talent

Recruiting the best people can have a significant positive impact on how a business performs. With the shortage of talent and fierce competition, it is more important than ever that business owners put measures in place to become an employer of choice. A potential employee wants to feel valued and will look for evidence that an employer prioritises and invests in the wellbeing of its staff. Having a good work life balance, flexible working, relevant training, career progression and regular pay rises are other factors in ensuring your business is a desirable place to work and attract new talent.

Working environment to support mental wellbeing

The working environment can have a profound effect on mental and physical performance. With the rise in hot desking and use of technology, we are now a ‘heads down’ generation connected to our devices, which has created a rise in mental health issues.

Having a space to socially interact at work and spend time with colleagues promotes good mental health, social skills and enhances collaboration, which also boosts team morale. Employees with positive relationships at work are much happier and more productive in their job. Social interaction is vital to the success of a business and to supporting the mental health of employees.

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